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DarkDesent666 said:
irstupid said:

Can we not get into flamewars.

Personally if I look at the Vita games ANNOUNCED there are at most 3 games I want. The rest to me are shit and I wouldn't pay $5 for them. Oh but wait that is my OPINION.

So unless you want to take my opinion as fact, we are going to ignore your as opinion. If you want to say PSP has more AAA games than any other handheld, go ahead and say that. If you want to put "better version most likely come out on vita" after every game you LIKE on the 3DS, then go ahead.

Just don't be surprised when people will want to argue with you and point out how fanbiased you are appearing.
There is zero indication that ANY of those games you listed will be getting a vita port, so assume all you want, but don't be surprised if your waiting longer than you will have to wait for FF13versus.   ESPECIALLY when its a new console.  When a new console is released the company likes to have every publisher list everything including the kitchen sink that they might even "remotely" have the smallest possibility of releasing on that system in order to drive sales.  Its kind of worrying when the 3DS was announce for example Capcom talks about Monster hunter coming to 3DS.  When the Vita is announced, Capcom talks about making a game for vita.  A company stating they are making a franchise game holds a lot more water, than a company saying they are working on something for that system.  

If it was a big commercial game like Monster Hunter, they would have damn well said so.  They just say they are working on a game if they are making like some indy game like something that utilizes teh back touchscreen or something creative and not their big franchises.  

If Square Enix says they are working on the 3DS, to me that means some FF spinoff or something like that "at best"  If they are making a dragonquest main title or Final fantasy main title, THEY WOULD HAVE SAID SO.  

Capcom already has 2 of their fighting games that they put on everything annouced for vita and all 3 regions of Square are making something for Vita though granted it's not dragon quest or FF main title, but the way they are heading with FF lately that's probably a good thing. Also I can see some devs holding off on annoucing what they are developing for a few reasons (want to actually show gameplay or don't want to hurt their sales of another game in that series coming out far sooner on another device)

Wasn't arguing whats announced.  Capcom may have a 1000 fighting games coming to Vita for all I care.  What they DON'T have is Resident Evil Revelations.  I don't care what you say, hope, pray, assume.  The Vita is not getting that game until Capcom announces it.

And as you pointed out, square may be working on a ton of games for Vita, but if those games don't have "announced" titles, don't be surpised to see them be chocobo racing, bust a move, or some new game that 'neatly' uses the touch screens but is not a shall we say "hardcore" game.

If it was something like Final Fantasy (X), Dragonquest (X), Star Ocean (X), Kingdom Hearts (x), ect you can bet your ass we would have heard of it.  


Just simply look at the PS3, 360, Wii, 3DS, Wii U at their first E3 or year prior to launch.  They did EVERYTHING they could to announce games that people wanted to hear.  Even on spinoff games like Kingdom Hearts 3D, they listed it was a KINGDOM HEARTS GAME.  How come then the Vita just gets "square Enix" instead of a franchise?  Because the game isn't some big franchise game.  If it were, we would have heard.  If square enix was working on Final Fantasy 15, or Kindom Hearts 3, or ect, they would SAY THAT.  They would not hide it under "we are working on a game on this system"  Companies only goal is to MAKE MONEY.  They make money by announcing they are making a Kingdom hearts 3, they do not make money by announcing they are making a "game"