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Salnax said:
spurgeonryan said:
gameonbro said:
the problem i see with vita sony with games like unchartered etc.... nintendo played the game like a pro timing anything mario around the vita launch.

ps3 fans love drake. but the world loves mario

Don't forget Monster Hunter 3G! That came out right when it had to. Anyone know if there are any upcoming Capcom games on the Vita?

To my knowledge, just the already released UMvC3 and the upcoming port of Street FIghter vs Tekken


ooo yeah i totally forgot about monster hunter.  nintendo definitely knew how to rain on sony's parade much like microsoft.  unlike uncharted how many are looking to play a fighting game on vita?  hell i rather the arcade stick and big screen.  sony really needs a better marketing strategist.  the best i ever seen them do was the august price cut right before gow3 release if i recall.  im still amazed microsoft will be close to sony in a crappy software year.  i hope ms has an X12 event with some new ips.  "Gamers do not live by kinect alone..."--