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There are really four factors that plague the US right now:

1. Fiscal Irresponsibility
2. The Housing Crisis
3. The Credit Crisis
4. Monetary Irresponsibility

First the U.S. Government has a problem controlling it's spending and it doesn't plan very well for the future. We don't need a tax rebate. What we need is to get out of th Iraq War and start discussing the he impending Social Security/Medicare problem. The baby-boomers have just started to collect SS.

Second you have stupid citizens getting loans they can't pay off and greedy mortgage companies willing to loan the money out and sell them to financial institutions. We need laws to be passed so this type of thing doesn't happen.

Third, because of the bad mortgages, financial institutions are ending up with the bill and are now short on cash that can be loaned out to endeavors with potential. For instance a business with a really good idea might have trouble securing capital to grow the company. This will definitly affect employment.

Fourth, and perhaps most important of them all is the monetary irresponsibility of the Fed. They love to mess with the markets to try and "fix" it but somehow they make things even worse. The great depression was aggravated by the Fed and they are doing the same thing now. Artificially reducing interest rates and printing more money is not the thing to do. The market correction that is going on now is in part their fault.