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dsage01 said:
Seece said:


Huh?? Halo CEA hasn't been bundled anywhere, Mario isn't extensivly bundled from what I know, and neither is MW3 now (all the console bundles seem to be gone according to Major Nelson on Black Friday)

I Spoke to BenVTrigger who works high up at Gamestop, and he said Uncharted 3 is doing amazing due to the bundles, but standalone, poor.

Well where I live (Toronto) Gamestop (Eb games), Wall mart and even bestbuy have plenty of Halo, Mario and MW3, Gears of War bundles. No doubt Uncharted 3 is also bundled but what exclusive game this holiday season isn't? And I understand you live in the U.K. but in the U.S.A. or Canada this is not the case. I have a buddy who works at bestbuy in the U.S.A.  (In new York) and he knows some big guys as his brother works at a high position and according to him  most big games are getting bundled and Uncharted is actually ranking fairly low in the top games that sell with bundles but is selling much more standalone copies. But then again he said most people who are buying a new PS3 are buying the UC3 bundle as its one of the most popular bundles out there. Games like Gears of War 3, Mario, Little Big Planet are the most bundled and aren't selling too great standalone but selling great with bundles. Forza, Fable and a couple other games would be dead zero even in the U.S.A. if they don't have the mass bundling they do now according to him. And for some strange reason I never asked him about Halo when I met him last time but I see a lot of bundling for this game whenever I go to any electronic stores. 

I wanted to put the picture of the famous movie actor looking over a newspaper not amused but I couldn't find it so I had to settle for the next best thing.