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Scoobes said:

10. Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening expansion (PC also on 360 & PS3)


Spiritiual successor to Baldurs Gate, 5 years in the making and with a unique twist with the 6 different Origin stories. Last year this only made no. 15 but I had yet to play all the origin stories. Seems I had left some of the best until last because the Dwarven commoner storyline was one of the best origin story in the game and has helped to push this game to no. 10. I've also had a chance to play the Awakening expansion which was good, although not quite as entertaining as the main game and Dragon Age II, which was pretty poor and actually helped highlight everything the makes this game great.

The story is your basic modern fantasy fare; Tolkien-like but much darker (characters would frequently get covered in masses of blood to the point of looking like Kratos). However, what it lacks in orginality it makes up for in old-school gameplay and a mix of interesting characters ranging from the sterotypical (Alistair) to the bizzare (Morrigan, Zevran). The Origin stories were an especially interesting route with some rather unique twists for each one. A great RPG from Bioware. I really hope Dragon Age 3 takes more from this than Dragon Age 2.

This game already crept from the 30's to nr 19 on my list while posting my top 50. I have a feeling it will only get higher as it ages. This is for sure the best rpg this generation. Stan and Morrigan were hilarious together. I hope that future RPG's can have more party members active at once, the interactions between them are great and makes the game so much more human.