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Seece said:
dsage01 said:
enrageorange said:

Fable 3 getting big sales combined with this being same price as normal 250gig 360 mean heavy bundling

Uncharted 3 getting big sales combined with this being the same price as normal 320gig PS3 means amazing sales?

Someone explain to me why the crowd that goes on and on about heavily bundled games isn't complaining about uncharted 3? Why is it if 360 fans dare praise the sales of Fable, or Forza, they get laughed at, but the uncharted series gets praise about its sales despite always getting heavily bundled from the day it comes out.

Uncharted 3 is getting bundled but no where near the amount of bundling MW3, Halo CER and Mario and some other games are getting this holidays. Nevertheless these game mentioned above (MW3, Halo and Uncharted) will all sell well with our without bundles. Fable and Forza on the other hand sell like crap intially and start pounding over 200k a week a year after launch? They get either given away for free or with another super hit game. Like Fable 3/ Halo Reach.  Also the Uncharted 3 bundle is for a limited time similar to MGS4 bundle. But if you were talking about LBP I would agree with you.

Huh?? Halo CEA hasn't been bundled anywhere, Mario isn't extensivly bundled from what I know, and neither is MW3 now (all the console bundles seem to be gone according to Major Nelson on Black Friday)

I Spoke to BenVTrigger who works high up at Gamestop, and he said Uncharted 3 is doing amazing due to the bundles, but standalone, poor.

I haven't seen any Halo CEA bundles, but MW3 and Gears 3 bundles are still piled up at the best buy in downtown toronto....dont know how they have so many, ms must have really overshipped. There is an in-store deal that if you buy either bundle for $399CA you get a $75 gift card

I have lived as a warrior. I have died as a god. Having suffered the ultimate sacrifice, I have been denied release. I...I will defeat Olympus. I will have my revenge
