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I'm sorry if I am repeating very old news here but I was unable to find a topic about the upcoming launch of the Wii U. I haven’t been following the gaming industry developments for quite some time so this information might already be irrelevant for most of you by now, but I hope this is news for some of you. Also I thought I would share it here with you guys and maybe some of you know a bit more over the upcoming launch of the Wii U? (please note your sources to prevent rumor creation)

I found this info in the offical japanese investors relationship website of Nintendo( don't worry it is also avalible for all of you to read these days :P), I was looking over the pressroom and saw the announcement was made that the Wii U will launch next fiscal year.

Please see the Semi-Annual Financial Results Briefing of Nintendo for Fiscal Year Ending March 2012 published on Oct. 28, 2011 :

Quote of Nintendo "We are also planning to launch the Wii U, which is the successor to the Wii, during the next fiscal year. We would like to show the final format of the Wii U at the E3 show next year. As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch."

Since the financial year dates from April 2012 to March 2013 is most likely the Wii U will launch Christmas time 2012? And will this be World Wide/Japan only?

Furthermore it is written that at the E3 2012 we will see the final machine, therefore the Wii U will probably also be playable for the first time at the next E3. Until now I have only seen tech demo’s. Are there already any titles anounced officially?

In a quick search I was only able to find these tech demo’s from last year E3:

Video's in the list are Wii U battle, Chase U, Wiiu Zelda, Ghost recon online and New Super Mario Bros Wii U.



Ok instant update:   Wii U will not be shown officially at CES, but will be at the E3 expo. " Production and development efforts remain on track for the Wii U launch, which will take place between the start of the 2012 E3 Expo in June, and the end of 2012. "