ROBOTECHHEAVEN said: i am thinking about putting a battle arena in my game, where u have to battle in various tournaments of various difficulty. winning each tournaments gets u certain artifacts of legendary gear for which u can only wear at lev 75 and u complete it at lev 100. each character class artifact has a unique look and shine too it , i am gonna put a trophy for each gear that is completed, gonna be 12 classes in the game at start, i am gonna have 2 expansions for the single player campaign which will give ppl 3 new areas to explore and 20 new dungeons, 50 new monsters and 80 new side quests, and finally 5 new character classes. i want anyone who plays the single player campaign , to feel that you have a epic journey that will test u and reward you, and will leave u speechless and at times make u wana cry. :) |
Sounds awesome to me, And the idea of a battle arena is a great one. The 2 games ive played which had battle arenas; Star ocean 4 last hope and ES: Oblivion we're awesome! I liked SO4 battle arena better than Oblivions but they were both a real good and fun touch to the game.
You,ve actually put me in the mood to go and play Star ocean 4 now, I loved that game such a great adventure and characters!
PSN ID: Stokesy
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