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@insomniac was i totally off basis really? i want you to look at how rabid the right became when obama took office. hell he pisses me off with the constant appeasing to the right. ive often criticize him for being a manchurian republican. but no matter how right he go he will always get spat in the face. why?

when the right talk about taking our country back from who and to what comes to mind. with the way the republican governors and legislatures have been amping up Jim Crow laws this year that answer is clear.

Im not some bleeding heart liberal and frankly Buddy Roemher should be getting more airwaves than any of the wack jobs and flip flopping piece of fill in the word.

Estimates says the stimulus shouldve been 1.5 trillion. But instead they cut it down so half. On top of that it included tax cuts that economist said were ineffective. However like I said before it wouldnt have matter since republican governors were posturing.

America would be alot better off if those assholes in washington did what was right for the people instead of them politically or for the oligarchs in true power.