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MDMAniac said:


Looks like some lazy PR guy forgot to tell consumers about those sweet #WP7 phones being #1

"Exane BNP Paribas slashing its sales estimates of the Lumia to just 800,000 units. This is a far cry from its initial 'ballpark estimate' of two million users. The brokerage said this compared poorly with the 3.5 to 4 million sales of Nokia’s previous flagship device, the N8 smartphone based on the Symbian operating system, during its first quarter."

Go, Lumia!

It's probably because of the battery issues that Nokia publicly acknowledges, the fix is due next year. But WM7 isn't just Lumia you know.

Or SMS vulnerability of WP7 discovered recently. Whatever...

And it's only 2nd quote where I was refering to Lumia. UK consumers might had purchased Samsung Omnia or HTC WP7 of all different flavors there, though it's not like they did, according to GfK.