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Motion owns in shooting. Don't own move, so can't comment on that, but all shooter games I've played are just amazing with wiimote. Hell Zelda doesn't even use IR and it's still better.

Also go and read reviews, when you find some reviews giving a shooter on teh Wii a bad score because the aiming makes the game too easy, then you know its a fact.

Go an play RE4 on ps2 or gamecube or hell didn't a ps3 version come out? Well play with a normal dual analog, then pick up a wiimote or move if it did come out for ps3. See which one you end up getting more headshots and wasting less ammo.

You do bring up one good point though. The games that have the gun slightly shake when aiming should REMOVE that when its using a wiimote or move. Still keep recoil obviously, but why add shaking to aiming when shaking should be something you are doing your own. Of course this would again make wiimote owners OWN other methods cause seriously who shakes when aiming, lol.

Oh and I have Skyrim for my computer, I decided to play with 360 controller to start since I hear the controls where again another Witcher 2 fiascol where it was built around controller and not mouse keyboard. And wow do I again hate dual analog. Its so damn hard to hit enemy with magic on that thing. Switched back to mouse keyboard and i'm like a God with magic and arrows and never miss and am able to hit within miliseconds and not seconds.

That is what you will notice if you play someone with a wiimote vs dual analog. They will shot you before you can even get your "STEADY recticle" aimed on them. Mouse people are probably even faster. But to say dual analog is better is not an opinion, its a falasy. You may prefer it, but its not better.

Go and watch a video of the duck hunter game o someone using the wiimote. Its not possible for someone to do that with a dual analog controller. No matter how good someone is with Dual analog that is impossible for them