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Barozi said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Barozi said:
amp316 said:
Keyboard + Mouse > Wii Remote and Nunchuk > Dual Analog ( I have not tried a FPS with PS Move)

Aiming is woefully slow compared to the others with an analog stick. I don't know how anyone could argue against this. Try playing GoldenEye on the Wii using both methods without your I've played FPS games forever with dual analog bias and get back to me on that.

I know that a mouse is the most precise, but I prefer picking out things and shooting them with a Wii Remote since I find it to be more fun.

SO why do people think that a Wii Remote is better than an analog stick for aiming? because it is.

uhm simply turn the sensitivity up ?

A friend of mine who doesn't even own a console also sets it to maximum whenever we're playing Halo and he is easily as fast with his thumbs as a human who needs to move his whole arm to get from the one side of the screen to the other. And yet he is still very precise.

You never have to move your whole arm, it's more a flick of the wrist to cover the whole screen.

I was trying to write "hand" but my girlfriend was distracting me.

