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UltimateUnknown said:

While I do greatly respect your opinion with real life combat and how motion controls work in general to parody them, I do have to say that you probably have not played much COD at all. Also I highly doubt in real life military personeel would just hip fire to keep their mobility (like the Wii guy), but rather they would ADS and hold their breath to get a better shot off. I would have imagined a better shot=accurate shot, but you probably know better.

Anyway in terms of the Wii gameplay (not real life), that person was only able to get so many kills was because majority of the people were also using motion controls and weren't ADSing. I can guarantee you, if the 1st guy was playing against the 2nd guy who was using a controller (heck even me who is average at best), he would have no chance of getting any long distance kills, and even in close range with the horrible accuracy he had. Any MP player knows that its the accuracy of your shots that is the most important aspect of multiplayer, thats why people who hip fire mostly are considered as "noobs" in the online community, as it leaves you incapable of being able to take out targets long-mid range, and is not accurate at all with the huge bullet spread over distance.

Give me an assault rifle like the AK47, FN FAL, or Commando in BO (Wii) and good luck even at sniping me.  I can cover mid to even long range.  Sure a few shots might be off by I can quickly adjust.  Hell I have gotten the long distance shot multiple times ADS with the Wiimote/nunchuck using a MP5K.  Perhaps you are more accustomed to the dual analog and that is fine.  To try and put limitations on the Wiimote/nunchuck due to your own inabilities is not an argument.