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Yeah okay sure, what a pathetic study. Did they take into account social assistance? A janitor is more likely going to need welfare/unemployment if he gets fired, laid off or injured on the job, plus they pay very low taxes since they are in a low tax bracket.

I guess the study didn't take into account how much tax the bankers pay and how little social assistance they are eligible for. Also since they make more money they spend more, thus they are helping other businesses, and paying sales taxes on their purchases. Plus they are more likely to buy new products since they are upper class where as a janitor with a lower income would be more inclined to buy used/secondhand goods to save money, which he wouldn't pay taxes on. 

Geez this study is just such a joke, I honestly hate left wing bullshit like this. Bankers provide a service just like everyone else, nobody forces you to take loans or make investments but the option is there and bankers are there to help.