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Welcome to 1928 again. Where Credit causes a massive American depression.

Sadly enough, the banks should all be destroyed. The US housing market has been booming for years - with home ownership reaching 75-80%. Unfortunately, alot of those houses were bought with credit by people that cannot afford them.

Good thing I'm getting into purchasing apartment complexes. When everyone runs away from defaulting on their mortgages, they'll run straight into my complexes.

Also, feel free to blame America for your problems. It's everyone's fault that the world has relied so heavily on globalization, that if one market falls, it takes the rest with it. There are millions of Americans opposed to the WTO, UN, and other massive global buracracies that cause so much interdependance, which can kill any country - regardless if it's the US hurting Europe, or vice versa.

Also, to quote Starcraft Maniac:

1) Not trying to reach the standards set by the KYOTO-protocol because of presure by Oil-corporations.

Last time I checked, the majority of these oil companies are European. The US only has 2 oil companies, if that.

2) Iraq war.

The US took a UN Resolution against Iraq seriously. Blame the UN for that

3) Whining about Iraq having a nuke, invading them, and finding out they didn't have one... Whilst Israel isn't allowed to have one either but you don't here people complain about that because America backs them

Who is more likely to use a Nuke - a responsible Democracy, or a country that has a leader that pays citizens to become suicide bombers?

4) American Kapitalism taking World Economy down.
I don't think socialism or communism has done the world any better. We have a 4.5% unemployment rate. Last time I checked, most of Europe was twice of that.

5) Bush spreading hate throughout the Middle-East against the Western World (That includes Europe).

So you blame 1 guy for everything?

6) Depending on oil so much, not willing to invest on long term in environemental-friendly energyresources, pumping more then 50% of the World's CO2 into the air whilst only having about 1-15th of the Worlds population.

We're trying to change. Blame oil companies for killing off the people that are trying to make renewable fuels die. I've seen in my own city, people build water-powered cars, ethanol plants, and various other facilities, only to be "dissappear" or die from "natural causes" at 30 years old.

Last time I checked, China had vastly more deplorable environmental standards than the US. Get to them first, will 'ya?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.