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@crystalchild, u have a mistake in your vita games. and left a major one out for the 3ds.
3ds has monster hunter tri g and monster hunter 4 out and confirmed for it, the psvita does not. plus there is the rumor that dragon quest 7 is being remade for the 3ds as well. also the persona series rumored to be coming to the 3ds at some point next year as well.

nah just scrap all that, i've just made up a plan; I'll get a part time job (since students dont really make money..), and just get enough money for both.. since its christmas soon and i'll have birthday next Month, i can get a 3DS in pretty much exactly 30 day's, and the vita is going to be bought too. not on launch day, but ASAP if there arent any good games i want to get. (though this might not be a problem, the only games i really want in the first half of next year are catherine and FFXIII-2)

.. i wonder if i'll actually execute my plan of getting extramoney since i am a pretty lazy guy, but well.. how else shall i afford the epicness that is gaming nowadays? =D


edit: i hope the Zelda Edition of the 3DS will still be available next Month, since that thing looks just gorgeous.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!