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Yesterday, Xseed teased a new game with an image of an assortment of objects. Today, they’ve revealed that the tease was for Acquire’s inky platformer, Sumioni, on the PlayStation Vita. Here’s the solution to the puzzle in yesterday’s tease

"Xseed have Sumioni: Demon Arts slated for a spring 2012 release in North America. You play as an ink demon, and can use the Vita’s touchscreen as a canvas to paint on, using your finger. Swiping across the screen creates platforms to jump onto. You can also summon a phoenix or create flames using your finger.

Xseed say Sumioni: Demon Arts has 30 stages and multiple endings. The game is still in development, and will be released in Japan first on February 9th."

I LOVE THIS NEWS! THank you Xseed! you rock!

and here's Mario in line to buy vita! :P don't blame him



aaaaaaaaaaaand here is the Announcement Trailer! check it out

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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