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i just got my monster hunter tri g 3ds bundle today.
who is getting : tales of the abyss in feb?

i dont even own a 3DS.. but i am on the brink of buying it. >.< .. i dont know, normally, the games announced for the Vita (P4:The Golden alone would be a reason of buying it) are far better suited for my taste, but the 3DS has something to it that makes it hard to resist.. and i dont even like nintendo games that much... *Looks at that beatiful Zelda edition*.. oh god what should i do.. i dont have much money to spare, so it would be only one of the 2 for quite an ammount of time.. *goes insane*

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!