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Nintendo cutting the 3DS's price hasn't made it easy for Sony and the Vita, not only is it going to be much tougher for Vita to succeed, but if it doesn't do well in its first year (and it likely won't, but that's fine because no consoles first year does amazing, not sure why investors and even Nintendo didn't look at past launches ...) then investors will be wondering why they're not making drastic measures like Nintendo. Of course they'll be wrong to think so, Sony would be doing the right thing sitting on the price, especially if you can't afford to cut. But could strong demand from investors asking for Sony to do something, push Sony into cutting the Vita down enough so it's in the red? Is Vita going to be making much money anyway, does anyone have any figures on that?

I still don't believe Sony is acting like a company that is in the state it is. They seem to be behaving somewhat indenial.