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man-bear-pig said:
osamanobama said:
Slimebeast said:

War in the North looks fairly low budget for a HD game but the studio making it, Snowblind is relatively large at +80 members. So lets say 80 developers making it for 2-2.5 years. which gives roughly a $16-20 million dev cost. Add another $3-4 million for marketing and a few more millions for the LOTR license/royalties (these cost!) and on top of that a significant number of millions that the publisher Warner needs from each game to run its gaming division.

So all in all the game would need minimum $30 million from sales (yes a very rough estimate and I'm almost pulling these numbers from my ass) to cover all those costs, and since you get $25 per copy sold (low reviewed games like War in the North end up quite quickly in the bargain bin) it would need to sell at least 1.2 million copies to break even.

Now, how many copies has it actually sold so far? A million?

NO... just no.

that would be a bigger budget than Uncharted games have, and a much bigger budget than the Gears game (1st one especially).

having games in the $20 million budget range is well above average. thats a big budget game.

it is more that like LotR had a budget well below $10 million after marketing, etc.

okay, so 350,000 x $25 = $8,750,000... so it still is making a loss.

perhaps, i dont know. i also dont know how much it has sold. im sure most of its sales favored PC, and most of them were downloaded. so VGC doesnt track it.

but my point was just to show it had a budget of no where near $20 million, its likely a quarter of that. 

though im just pulling a number out of my ass, i wouldnt be surprised if a game like this, with little to no advertising, with a small not very well know development team, cost as little as $5 million to make.

im mean just look at the uncharted's. Super high production values, tons and tons of mo-cap, a super advanced engine, a well know big studio, well known voice actors, big marketing, full time dev time of 2 years, and those cost less than $25 million to make.

than the first gears game cost something like less than 15 million to make (it might have been $10 million, cant rememeber, and cant be bothered to look up sources)

i just dont think a game like this cost much at all.