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Afghanistan was fully legitimate, and a war I still tacitly support, at least for the time being.

And drone attacks in Pakistan is pissing them off. In fact, a lot of what Obama is doing is at the expense of our relationship with Pakistan. Admittedly, it's gotten things done, but its coming at the cost of an ally, albeit an ally that always straddled the line between potential friend and potential foe for awhile now.

That being said, any sort of attack on Iran would be god damn stupid, and I'm relieved the Bush administration isn't in power right now. They have a much stronger military then Iraq had, and completely destroying our diplomatic relationship with them would also eliminate any ability we have to keep them from going nuclear, which is frankly highly unlikely anyway regardless of who's president. Let them have the drone. It's not worth starting a war over. Honestly, listening to this, it's no wonder we started a war with Iraq over non-existent weapons of mass destruction and links to Al-Qaeda.They've got that mindset.

USA going into war on Iran would be crazy. Doing some airstrikes etc. is rather safe. But what's the point of airstrikes alone? As soon as they'd send ground troops, the human losses for the USA would be dramatic. Iran's military doctrine is extremely defensive, centered around the idea of preventing an invasion.

Cheney's talking about one airstrike, on the drone itself, no invasion force. It'd still have a chance of causing a war, but its not what your describing.