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You might love Obama or hate him, but he is true to his promise - changing America.  I personally am afriad of our future.

1.  Obama is one cocky man, he says he makes all the right decisions.  He is the captain of the ship that is going through some tough weather.  See, it's not his fault - though I believe he is the one that is navigating us to the iceburg.  

2.  He doesn't want the pipeline from Canana to Texas?  Why?  It would create over 20,000 jobs.   He cares more about environment, though the risk is very minimal, than jobs.  All the while China is drilling off Florida.     China also says they are beefing up their military for war, Bill Gates is there to help them build nuclear reactors?   

3.  Obamacare will cost America 100,000 jobs in January.  I want free healthcare - cause i'm spending over $1000 a month for health insurance that only covers part of my family's cost.  But I don't like the fact that over 100,000 people will lose their job.

4.  Occupiers are now attacking our ports.  Obama should tell the police to their job and get rid of em so people can go to work and do their job!  

5.  Our drone goes down and he asks Iran to hand it back??????!!!!!????  WTF.  And how did the drone go down in Iran?  What was it's mission?  Why is that picture of the drone show that it is not even scratched?  Did he give it to them?  Maybe he thinks that if we worked with Iran, then they will be nice.  

6.  He pulls the troops out of Iraq giving Iran more power.  Now Iran will show the world how powerful they are by having Military drill that will seal off the Strait of Hormuz - that should bring up our oil prices a little.   And once the troops pull out of Iraq, I'm sure there will be more chaos.

7.  Bailing out his friends with our money instead of putting them in jail.  

8.  N. Korea is making missle able to hit U.S.  Obama is not a strong leader.  He wants to make peace with the world, while they are threathening us.

9.  Last of Raptor Aircraft was delievered.  many jobs lost there too.  The plane was too good for it's own good.

10.  Obama's Thanksgiving speech did not mention 'God' at all.  Not even, God bless America.  I doubt he is a Christian.  If he isn't, then he should just say  he isn't,  I personally don't care.  but after being attacked by Perry he goes to church with his family.


Again, you might like the change in America, but I think it's not good.