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selnor said:
Griffin said:
Skyrim winning is a complete joke, i run into countless bugs per day playing the game. Lets not even get started on the framerate, its average frames keep dropping the longer you play and thats a fact. Countless times i will be playing and the game is a slideshow and i'm forced to load old game saves and pick a different direction to go in due to the problem. I average about 4 console freezes per day aswell.

Lets look at the graphics aswell, the game looks ugly, muddy last gen textures all over the place. The game has about 10different voice actors at most. The sound in this game is very low quality aswell.

All the dungeons repeat over and over again. The same rooms and walls repeat over and over again. And the game designers can't even keep track of which walls go where as you will see specific dungeon walls in dungeons they were not meant for.

Let talk about the 1.2 patch, still current on consoles which broke all resistances. Whats that you want to fight that dragon, well his fire breath now does 950 damage on your 400health charcter... Or we can talk about mages killing 500hp charcters in 2hits. Why don't we talk about dragons fying backwards and through objects.

You wanted to play a melee charcter well lets give the enemies "ice cloak"? so whenever you get near you freeze and turn to ice. Lets talk about dragon shouts that can't be blocked and when they throw you across a room your max physical resistance character dies before he is able to stand up even though he had 500HP. All this is on the 360.

Wow we ave diferent games.

I'm over 80 hours in. Never had a restart, dont get repeat dungeons, have fantastic sound and pretty much dont experiance any of your issues in 80 hours..

I do get some hilarious glitches every now and then. bu not 1 single issue your disc has.

Also I have 22 Dragon Souls and have yet to see a dragon go backwards.

IMO."IF" your game does everyting you say and forces you that many restarts an you obviously still play it daily with your comments, It DEFINATELY deserves GOTY.


Anyways  Bethesda thanks for the best game this Gen. 


The problem is i play it less and less daily to to more bugs popping up.  I just had to turn it off right now, i ran into one dragon flying backwards then he went flying backwards across the Tundra outside whiterun.  I then went off on some other mission i had planned to grab some new shout when i came across a dragon in the mountain.  I grabbed the shout while the dragon was bugged then proceded to walk away only to have the game start to run at under 5frames. 

I used the shout to clear the skies which only made the frames worse.  I then tried to load the map to fast travel away, but was unable to due to "being in combat", the map was also screen tearing whenever i tried to move it to a different location.

I'm at 164hours into the game, and have been leaving no items on the ground and trying to close all doors behind me.  I also use the "wait" system quite a bit waiting for stores to open so old bodies and junk should be clearing up on a regualr basis.  The problem is the more you play the larger the files and the more things to remember, so after a time the game will screw up for everybody.

My guards in the markarth are bugged.  I'm unable to buy a dog, due to vanishing dogs that i did have.  My horses are always targeted first in any combat so unable to use them since they die in only a few hits.  The theives guild is bugged for me and i'm unable to start it.  I also have a few bugs regarding the companions, but story related so won't list them.  I also have unremovalbe quest items on me even after completeing the quests. 

Older save files are being deleted or having other saves repeated over them.  I wanted certain saves still around so left them and now they have newer saves written over them, auto saves are not being used.