Runa216 said:
This game is probably the single most prominent reason I hate, no, LOATHE and ABHOR Final Fantasy XIII. This game here was linear as hell (most of the worlds were pretty much corridors), had basically the same kind of level up system (Sphere grid and Crystarium are pretty similar), and yet THIS game is great, while XIII is trash. why? SIDEQUESTS! In X, you can search the world, unlock mysteries, play blitzball (even though you didn't like it, I loved it), get ultimate weapons, find hidden areas, unlock a language, and that arena was just so awesome. This game is linear yet with LOTS of sidequests. I need to play XII again. |
When it comes to Final Fantasy games what I can do in the end game is even more important than the main quest. I love leveling my characters to insane levels. FFX was perfect for that, I had the trio of girls with the whole sphere grid maxed out. It's so funny seeing Lulu's little moggle run up to an enemy, give him a little slap and see 99,999 damage pop-up or to Quick Attack the hell out of a giant arena monster. Also searching for ultimate weapons could keep you busy for a long while. I never was able to control those damn chocobos well enough to get the under 0 sec time to get Tidus' ultimate weapon so I forged him one using stuff I won in the arena.
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