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Already made a thread like this months ago, but wondering if people still are skeptical today, given how things are just getting worse politcally and economically these days.

Edit: Article by the Economist:

(Mostly economic, but key takeaway):

"Even so, prolonged economic weakness is contributing to a broad rethinking of the value of liberal capitalism. Countries scrapping for scarce demand are now intervening in currency markets—the Swiss are fed up with their franc appreciating against the euro. America’s Senate has sought to punish China for currency manipulation with tariffs. Within Europe the turmoil of the euro crisis is encouraging ugly nationalists, some of them racist. Their extremism is mild when compared with the continent-wrecking horrors of Nazism, but that hardly makes it welcome.

The situation is not yet beyond repair. But the task of repairing it grows harder the longer it is delayed. The lessons of the 1930s spared the world a lot of economic pain after the shock of the 2008 financial crisis. It is not too late to recall other critical lessons of the Depression. Ignore them, and history may well repeat itself."


From Paul Krugman's blog:

Some disturbing take aways.

1) People are not only losing faith in the government, but also liberalism as well.

To me, the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street are different sides of the same coin. Both are reactionary movements, and both are anti-establishment. They're also very extreme, and in my opinion either we're going to have a very partisan political landscape, or the great majority of moderates will look for a centrist/3'rd party as a solution to the confusing chaos they're seeing.


2)Jobbik party has 1/3 control over the Hungarian parliament.

Posted this before, but in Greece:

What do you guys think? Maybe not right now, since the shit hasn't completely hit the fan, but if Europe decides to enforce austerity measures on its members, there will be some serious anger and economic downturn.

Also, the political landscape in the US doesn't look good. Again, you have tons and tons of college kids graduating with lots of debt, unable to find a job, and subsequently have a lot of free time and anger on hand (As much as neo-cons like to characterize FDR as a "liberal", programs like the CCC were very conservative in spirit). Obama is a weak politician, and none of the Republican candidates look strong. I think Americans will be very disastisfied regardless of who gets voted.

So you have a depressed economy, a toxic political landscape, and people losing faith in the current system. We already have the Tea Party and OWS, and we've already seen what damage the Tea Party did during the debt ceiling "crisis". Imagine if more of those fucking idiots get into office.