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To all the person's who have finished Persona 4:

(MAJOR SPOILERS) -----------------------------!! --------------------------------------(MAJOR SPOILERS)

Could it be that Teddy is Senpai's shadow? i just thought about the possibility when Teddy popped into Senpai's Mind and Vanished. it would be somewhat questionable, since Senpai had his persona already, but it doesnt change the fact that MC didnt face his shadow, and teddy was the first one he met. And thats why teddy would try to forget that he's a shadow; because the MC is a good guy from feet to head. even in conversations, youre calm, but always kind. maybe the hidden part of him was that he thought he might not be doing 'enough'?

but whatever, i have to get a tissue now. Q_Q


WAIT.. WHAAAT? i actually CRIED for that asshole, and he came back? ........ O...M...F...G..   please, someone, lend me a shotgun, i have to hunt. <.<

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!