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thekitchensink said:
dtewi said:
Well I agree with the concept but not the reasons.

PS3 will outsell 360 because of 360 decreasing in sales and PS3 will have mega hitting exclusives and a lower price.

Who wouldn't want a $299 Hi-Def Game player with amazing games?

But it won't outsell the Wii because it has a different market that is growing every second.

Personally, I seriously doubt we'll see a $299 PS3 this year--they'd have cut the price in half since launch which, while good for consumers, would seem to show slight desperation (even though they have a nice footing now).  That said, Sony has surprised us before, so...

Desperation has nothing to do with it. If it cut price to half the competitors, sure thatd be an issue. It is cutting price to come in line with competitors, and with game line-up combined it allows more consoles into households to sell more games.

PS3 will see a price drop this year.

As far as future proof, I think they are talking about being a movie player. As far as gaming goes, however, the PS3 has a long while before developers outgrow its capabilites. Maybe not "future-proof", but I'd say a good 10 years before its maxing out all capabilities.