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osamanobama said:
yo_john117 said:
osamanobama said:
yeah, GOTY awards are now given to rushed, bug and glitch ridden un-finished products.
way to go gaming journalists, hype and brand name, sure do have a lot of impact to skew ratings

Thing is Skyrim deserves GOTY hands down. Virtually everyone who's played it (sans a few bitter people) say it's their GOTY.

well having watched my roomate play it countless hours (on his xbox), and having played it for several hours myself, i can say it is a very fun and good game.

but no game this buggy and glitchy should win game of the year. i cant count how many times some retarded dragon that im trying to kill either spazzes in a circle over my head or does crazy back flips off into the distance, sometimes crashing into mountains.

then i spend hours trying to get the getting married achievement, only to have some GUY try to marry me. i was like WTF, im a dude, i dont want to marry you. 

But it's not as buggy or glitchy as most people on these forums are saying. I have yet to see even 1 annoying glitch and i've put over 60 hours into it, I know they are there but they aren't that bad for most people so yes it does deserve GOTY. 


@ClassicGamingWizzz: I don't have to worry about that because I'll be picking up the next Xbox. And I don't actually recall ever playing a game with a game-breaking bug in it so I tend not to worry about that type of stuff because it simply doesn't happen to me, especially in games that I love.