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spurgeonryan said:
sethnintendo said:
Well, I was hoping for a little more WW2 discussion considering today is Dec. 7th (Pearl Harbor). Where are all the WW2 buffs?

I guess we have had it pushed on us so much over the years that we are WW2'd out? It really was one of the most interesting wars. You should change the title to just The War thread so we can talk about all the wars throughout time!


Going to have to pass on that request.  Even though all wars are interesting, I want this thread to cover just WW2 considering a ton of events happened during it (political and military).    I am also not that interested in other wars that have followed WW2 considering I view most as bullshit wars.  I do however enjoy learning about those wars even though I don't agree with why they were fought (mainly coming from US viewpoint).  I'd rather discuss any war before WW2 than any recent war.