I am a friggin pokemaniac and play the games competitively.
But I really grew out of the anime halfway through the Sinnoh saga. Its probably more to do with the fact that the anime's target audience is 10 year olds and I'm 20 but what the heck I still watch it from time to time just for the nostalgia (mainly the league/gym battles cuz we all know they are the shiz).
And I have to say I was quite impressed with Ash vs Paul in the Sinnoh league. But what annoyed me was the guy after (can't remember his English name but I think he's Takuto in Jap), so friggin OP man. Come on now first he whooped out a Darkrai to wipe out Ash's 5 pokemon and then a Latios. What were the writers thinking, they should have atleast made Ash battle the guy in the finals and have his candy ass handed to him. I just wish he would win a darn league already, so that my childhood would be complete.