lestatdark said:
I didn't feel that way about my team, but then again, a team of Teddie, Kanji and Naoto = Pure win |
i think i'll get rid of my two girlfriends then. :P .. Naoto is somewhat weird. Her 'allmighty attack' is always awesome (have it with my MC too of course), but it drains SO many SP! And other then that, i hate instant kill abilities, since they dont happen to work very often. =/ And only beeing able to deal physical damage as the most effective method kinda sucks... not that it'd dislike it, but for some reason, every second Physical Skill just missed the boss i fought last... this is especially awful when Charging ability's were used before. <.<
Oh by the way, talking Persona Gal's; Sayoko > Chie = Naoto > Rise > Yukiko.
first pick too obvious :P? (Missed quite the ammount of Social Links, but i'll keep it at that, having yet links to uncover may keep me motivated in the second playthrough)
edit: @Hikaru: importing it? Nice, i'd do it too, but i prefer to understand the games i play... cant wait for my 'Crystal Edition' with OST and Shirt though. =]
edit 2: @Lestat;
i've read there are different endings,.. should i attempt the true ending first? I'd really like to get the Izanagi no Okami Persona, and i've heard i can only get this badguy when i've seen the true ending? =/