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binary solo said:
rocketpig said:
Galaki said:
I bought a lot of android apps. They all cost $0.

Yep. Until Android can figure out a way to convince its userbase to spend money like the typical iOS user, Apple is going to rule mobile gaming.

Not to mention that iOS is relatively unfragmented, making development much easier while Android is fragmented beyond belief. Android is a pretty good OS (I have an Android phone) but I spend virtually nothing on apps for it. Whereas hardly a week goes by where I don't drop some money in the App Store to install something new and shiny on my iPad.

Not to mention that Android is getting its ass kicked in the tablet market and the Fire is only going to hurt them in the long run. Why buy a full-featured tablet for $400 when you can get a locked-down version from Amazon for $200? It's a bad move by Google to continue to allow companies to clamp down on their operating system like this. It gives them a huge install base but it also fragments the OS to hell and makes people reluctant to buy into the platform wholesale like people have with iOS (there is a lot to be said about consistency from device to device). I can pick up any iOS device and figure it out in ten seconds. I've owned an Android phone for a year and unless the device is made by HTC, it takes me fucking forever to do anything on another Android device. That's bad business and Google fucked up big time by letting it continue for as long as it has. Google is creating zero brand loyalty with Android right now.

I can't relate to that at all. I have a LG, my eldest boy and my wife have Motorolas (different varieties) and my other son has a Samsung. I have no problem using any of them.

My last job was as IT manager for a company and that meant I set up everyone's phones... and almost to the last man (woman), they owned Androids (because they were cheap, mostly). Setting those things up was irritating after using my HTC. Admittedly, HTC has the most different Android skin when compared to the other manufacturers. Still, the point stands. Even MS hasn't allowed people to skin Windows because they know the problems that come with that kind of fragmentation.

Forcing consistency between just the face buttons on devices would go a long way toward fixing Android.

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