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outlawauron said:
DarthVolod said:
outlawauron said:
outlawauron said:
DarthVolod said:

We are 6 pages in and I have not seen anyone mention Ghost in the Shell ... I would pretty much just write off anime as a childish indulgence if not for this series.

There is also Ergo Proxy ... I loved it and I am sure the 5 other people who watched it also enjoyed it.

Ghost in the Shell is a staple series of the art form. However, I will say that there have been dozens of great seinen (targeted towards older males) series since then.

I'll also add that Ergo Proxy is incredibly popular, not sure where you got the last bit from.

Can you name a few of these series? It seems like every anime I have watched since Ghost has just been a major step down in quality (aside from Ergo like I said).

In regards to Ergo Proxy's popularity, I am just going off of my personal experience as it seems that everyone I talk to (I talk to people about anime on a semi-consistent basis, and I have gone to several different anime cons in my area) have never seen the series or, in many cases, have never even heard of it. This is the first time I have seen anyone refer to it as "incredibly popular." I will not argue against it as it certainly deserves to be popular, and it may just be one of those things where it is just not big where I live.

For ergo Proxy, I've heard countless people name it among their favorites and high on recommendations list. It's also the #65 most popular anime in MyAnimeList's database. I know this isn't the best way to gauge popularity, but this site has a giant userbase (over 200k) and it usually pretty reflective of anime fans.

As far as the shows I mentioned earlier, I must ask for some clarification. Is there a certain genre that you're looking for? I need to know if the content of some would or would not sit well (whether or not to recommend things like Kuragehime, Nodame, or Usagi Drop for example. These are all great shows but they're targeting women rather than men) with you.

I tend to go for stuff that is more philosophical and cerebral in nature. Unfortunately, it seems most anime (at least what I have seen having viewed about 30+ series now) steers away from this in favor of high school romance, comedy, generic action, and countless portrayals of women as objects of lust and perversion (not that I am saying romance/comedy/action/sex are innately bad it is just that they are always handled so poorly as to drag down otherwise interesting shows). 

I don't know if that helps to narrow things down at all. Obviously, sci-fi and anything cyberpunk are a huge plus for me. I am not familiar with any animes that have attempted it, but I also like horror. Also, unhappy endings/sad stories or at least ones with ambiguous endings tend to be my favorites in other mediums.