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In the debate over Occupy, out came, "America is a Republic, not a Democracy".  The implication is that a country elects representatives that go and make up a government body and decide what is best for the nation.  It is their job to make the decisions that impact a society.  It isn't a Democracy in that the will of the people are represented, but rather, that have the ability to vote out someone and put someone else in.

If this is the case, explain how that a Republic isn't anything more than a governmental structure where people have a chance to swap out one person with another, who doesn't even have to respond to the wishes of the constituents that elected them, but merely get themselves reelected?  In short, this form of government doesn't reflect the wishes of the people at all, but dictates on high what the rules are.  How is such a system not going to end up being subject to people with money being able to buy influence, and pay to get their favorite tool in office?