lestatdark said:
I'm doing the opposite, your previous post had me itching to start a new Persona 3 FES playthrough XD |
i'll start P3 again, too ~ once i am done with P4, Dungeon Siege 3, Alice and (starting christmas -> ) Skyward Sword.
The Reason i stopped P3 was, because i grinded too much. and since there was only one big dungeon, i got bored. I didnt know that i actually dont have to. O_o .. atleast in P4, maybe 20% of my playtime was spent in dungeons, the rest was just socializing. And this aspect really shines. i actually care for those pixel's, and everytime Nanako is saddened, i cant help myself but to feel sorry for that little girl. and if there are funny moments, they're hilarious as hell to me. Dunno, i just have a great time, though i will do some leveling, since i am in the Scifi dungeon, and its quite hard with L40.. i mean, i cried tears of joy when i killed the 3Dot Game Hero lol.! xD
Top 10 ARPGs: (5 spots dont do those games justice, sorry ^^)
1. Nier (PS360) (THE best Storyline this Generation. One of the best of all time. + the first time White text on black background + some music made me shed tears -> Kaine's Backstory.)
2. Star Ocean: TLH (PS360) (A Game that felt Old School. the good way. and i needed it after all those new'ish Next Gen Games. Great World, cool Story, superb Combat System.)
3. Terranigma (SNES) (Great Gameplay, ahead of its time.)
4. Phantasy Star Online (If Online Games count, of not ignore this) (Nerded it with friends for 1,5 Years straight. in F***IN SPLITSCREEN. Oo!)
5. Infinite Uniscovery (X360) (While it wasnt in the same league as others, it delivered the experience it wanted to be. and that is something i appreciate.)
6. Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2) (See KH1, KH2 was only bigger and slightly better.)
7. Demon's Souls (PS3) (No big story. No Open World. but an AMAZING athmospere... and since i am a Storywhore, i was stunned that DS actually made me play it for 130~ Hours.)
8. Kingdom Hearts (1)(PS2) (While i didnt like the Disney Aspect, Sora and his Friends were quite cool, and the story very interresting.)
9. Dragon Age II (Yes, i am serious. it blew me that Bioware did tell finally another kind of Mainstory.* they cought me off guard i guess.)
10. Drakengard 2 (I dont know why it is in here. i barely remember it. but my mind keeps tellin' that i loved it. what i remember from the story was quite cool.)
honorable Mention; The Elder Scrolls Series
*BioWare Story; Face Evil, and get defeated, or see the world getting almost ruined. -> recruit X Party Members. -> kill previously unbeatable Evil.
TOP 10 RPGs:
(???) Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (Not nearly done yet, if this game keeps up, it'll be on that list.)
1. Final Fantasy VIII (PSX) (The first Big RPG i played after getting the Console. i was forking stunned. i even dreamed of it)
2. Final Fantasy VII (PSX) (i was irritated how awful it looked compared to VIII. Note; i was a kid, and shocked to see bricks.. or, when i saw, i did shit bricks? i sure like internet memes. =D)
3. Shadow Hearts Covenant (PS2) (See Enchanted Arms)
4. Final Fantasy X(PS2) (primarilly lower because i blamed it for looking ugly. yes, little did i know as a child. i was missing an Overworld Map and those awesome PSX background graphics.)
5. Enchanted Arms (360) (Great, underrated game.)
6. Legend of Dragoon (PSX) (recently replayed. Aged poorly. =(. cheesy dialogue for todays standarts.)
7. Final Fantasy X-2 (PSX) (I didnt expect as much as others, and a big bump because '1000 Words' made me actually cry.)
8: Final Fantasy IX (See LoD)
9. Lost Odyssey (To be honest, i have to replay it. i forgot too much about this game.)
10. Grandia