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I wanted to make a top 3 but I really couldn't decide which to omit, so I made it a top 4.

In no particular order:


Weed - it's just something I do alot, it makes everything more interesting and fun. I honestly believe it's what is getting me through college. Without I wouldn't have had enough motivation.

MDMA - Freaking love the feeling of it. I try to do it not to often because I don't want to lose the magic, which seems to be happening to heavy users. Once every 4 weeks is the max.

LSD - I have both done mushrooms and LSD quite some times and like them both, but if I had to chose a favorite, I would rate LSD above mushrooms. Mushrooms make everything foggy and warps all your hallucinations together, while on LSD everything is far more clear and in my eyes more beautiful. Also beats all the other hallucigenics like the 2c ones.

DMT - And kaboom your shot out of reality into an other dimension. It's so amazing and odd. Had to try it a dozen times before I even really toke off, but when you do it's like nothing else you've ever seen.

I also really like the combo of MDMA and LSD. They work in an amazing synergy. I also do........well almost everything else actually, but most of the time hallucigenics. I don't like amphetamines (expect MDMA of course) and opiates that much. I also will stay away from crocodile, meth and heroin. Although the last I really do want to try. It's supposed to give you a feeling that's like a 1000 times better that coming, but knowing that you are going to get addicted from the first time on doesn't seem to enticing. Maybe when I'm diagnosed with terminal cancer or some such thing.