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maverick40 said:
Areym said:

@maverick FFXIII was a proper rpg, granted it wasn't a perfect one. I found it entertaining and t story was engaging enough for me to put up with it's faults. I'm going to assume by proper rpg you mean Skyrim which really, it's just as repetitive and actually a lot less eventful than FFXIII, at least from the 20 hours i dropped into it so far.

I am not into skyrim. I collect rpg's and have over 50 for the ps2 alone. All in all i have collected over 100 rpg's so I know my stuff. A proper rpg is person 3 and 4, disgaea, atelier series, suikoden series, final fantasy 1-10 to name just a few. 

The problem is, people think squareenix are perfect and can do no wrong so they defend their beloved games to the high heavens. I have got a platinum in ffxiii and i can tell you know. It is down there with ff12 as worst rpg's in my collection. 

How exactly isnt FF XII a proper RPG, thats one of the most RPGed FFs ever the amount of freedom you have is imense. I too have played a gazilion RPGS ever since the SNES era (altought I pplayed the SNES ones after I was a lil bit older I was too young back them), and I play tabletop RPGs since I was like 6 (everything from GURPS, to Storyteller D 10 system and D&D) so I know my stuf as well and I can say for sure FF XII and XIII are proper RPGs, if you dont like the game that doesnt make them a "non proper RPG", all you were doing was listing games you like and saying the ones you dont arent actual RPGS.

XIII isnt a perfect game but its definetly not as bad as ppl paint it to be, for some reason gamers decided they were gona hate on Squarenix this generation, I think it has partialy to do with the fact that they didnt make a FF VII remake or a KH III, and that they went XBOX exclusive on the beggining of the generation and made FF mutiplataform wich irritated most of the Square loving Sony fans to no end.

 Also ppl were expecting FF XIII to be the second coming of Jesus Christ for all the hype the comunity was building, when it turned out it wasnt the return of the messiah and it was actualy just a good game ppl started trashing the game to shreds.

Saying stuf like the "combat is just press x" is one of the things ppl do just to troll the game, the combat isnt just press x, you need strategy, a correct paradigm deck, shift your paradigms in proper times, enter comands manualy if you whant to optmise your actions etc etc. Try beating a Long Ghi pressing X on auto attack and youll get murdered...