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maverick40 said:
Marteds said:
maverick40 said:
Rob-Ot said:
maverick40 said:
Dr.Grass said:
Alphachris said:
Great! Final Fantasy XIII still is the best game of this whole generation in my opinion and I am really looking forward to FF XIII-2.

Square-Enix just knows how to tell a deep story with interesting characters... (and how to deliver a rpg without gamebreaking bugs).

Did you like the ''pressing forward'' or ''pressing X/A'' part best?

Not to mention the story was a pretentious piece of turd.

He is probably 9 years old or mentally retarded.

says the child who is claiming I am mentally retarded. Ye final fantasy weaboos are pathetic, play a proper rpg. 

What is your definition of a proper rpg? 


I collect rpg's and have over 50 for the ps2 alone. All in all i have collected over 100 rpg's so I know my stuff. A proper rpg is person 3 and 4, disgaea, atelier series, suikoden series, final fantasy 1-10 to name just a few.

The problem is, people think squareenix are perfect and can do no wrong so they defend their beloved games to the high heavens even though there are better rpg's out there. I have got a platinum in ffxiii and i can tell you know. It is down there with ff12 as worst rpg's in my collection.


Ok, I did not ask how many rpgs are in your collection. My question was what is your definition of a proper rpg. Since you never bother to answer my question I'm going to assume you don't know the answer and you're going to list a bunch of games again. The second part of your post is irrelevant and false as many people including myself think Square Enix is far from perfect.