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Mr Khan said:
MrT-Tar said:



29. Okami - Wii (28 last year):

With a beautiful art style (easily one the best I've seen in any game), great music and fantastic Zelda like gameplay, Okami is a fantastic game.  It's a shame that it was originally released towards the end of the PS2's life and close to the release of Zelda TP, meaning this game was overlooked by many.  Like I said with Alundra, Zelda fans need to try this game.


Fuck, PAL got a much better boxart for Okami Wii...

Metroid Prime 3 is my number 26

Actually that was only a special edition sleeve that was available from HMV here in the U.K.  The standard box art was the same as the US, just minus the IGN watermark.  I bought it from HMV just to get that beautiful sleeve.

Usually American localisation of games involved changing the box art, usually for the worse (Ico, Phalanx, most Kirby games, a lot of Final Fantasies).  PAL regions are usually inbetween getting a mixture of Japanese and US box arts.  The link below shows lots of differences in box art: