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Player1x3 said:
you have a very wrong view on eastern countries. You think they are all nazi germany waiting to explode. But No country has the balls to bomb another country with also has nuclear weapons. The biggest use of nuclear weapons isnt that they can kill hundreds of thousands in seconds, but that they use FEAR to prevent such events. Fear of nuclear weapons have prevented more wars and saved more lifes than they ever took. And its because of that that all countries should have them. No one would dare striking against no one.

And as much as hard you find this to believe, eastern countries arent savages and madmen who just want to kill everyone around them. They are capable of stability and peace ( as much hard as you find this to believe) and they DONT always need America or England to ''free'' them, because they usually end up making things a lot worse

Which Eastern countries are you refering too? I have absolutely nothing wrong with any democratic eastern countries, in fact I don't even have as much wrong with some non-democratic countries that support human rights. The countries I do have a problem with have Governments which are not peaceful nor support rights or freedoms.

Iran's leader has stated that he will wipe Israel off the map. He has said the holocaust did not happen and even suggested that it should occur. He is a tyrant and his Government opresses both his own people and people of other countries. His Government supported militia in Lebanon that slaughtered thousands of Christians and tried to put the country under Islamic dictatorship. A country that arrests, tortures and kills its own citizens if they disagree with the Government.

I am no more anti-Eastern countries then anti-Southern countries or even anti-American. I decide which countries I personally support based on the values and system of Government.

Also it is funny people are calling this American arrogance, I'm not American. Also my country doesn't have nuclear weapons. In fact Turkey and Saudi Arabia and many other countries that oppose Iran getting nukes don't have nukes either. Israel is rumored to have nuclear weapons but they also aren't completely known to have them.

As someone said nukes are about fear, using fear to protect your Government and keep your enemies from trying anything. People say that nukes have killed more then the tyrants. Well that may be true but thats only because the tyrants haven't had nukes.

Also an organizaed Government with nukes isn't likely to use them. They are a deterant, but when you give an unstable country nuclear capabilities or one that opennly promotes acts of genocide like the holocaust, giving that sick basterd a nuke is really foolish.

The major powers with nukes right now are enough, their is no need for anyone else to aquire them. China, Russia, US and UK are more then enough to stabalize the globe. They are from all different spectrums China and Russia almost always oppose UK and US. Nuclear weapons are not needed by any smaller country. Not even one of the major powers is likely to use a nuke on a non-nuclear country let alone a nuclear one so defending against nuclear weapons is not a valid excuse.


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