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UC3 hands down.

Uber long read =

And I just have to get this off my chest.

I do know some people will disagree, and some will agree; but quite frankly, I don't give a damn xP.

Since 2008 June, I was wow'd beyond what I thought was possible when I played MGS4 after I just joined these boards. I was like; Whats the fuzz all about? (as I really had no idea about games in general, and the communities, reviews etc; I just bought whatever I found in stores).

Short said: I played MGS4, pledged alliengence to Sony for having the greatest game I have ever played on their platform (don't ask XD). Ever since then, I have continued to be amazed by games like Uncharted 2 and God of War 3. One for each year, respectively. And while all of those games have been truly outstanding, despite U2's 96, and GoW3's 92, none of them in my opinion could really combat MGS4, despite it's 94.

I had really watched a lot of UC3 videos and stuff, so I honestly felt a bit sad over that fact just the days before I was to get it. But after playing this, I only have one statement to make:

I did not think it was possible. I did not think I was going to ever be amazed at how well a game has been made. Metal Gear Solid 4 presented a Story that was so complex, and while years of reading up on it, playing the past games and understanding it to a certain extent; some things did not fully make sense to me. Regardless, I love the game(s), I love the character(s) and I love the way Kojima has created the MGS franchise. Now I need you all to sit down if you aren't already (that goes for smartphone users as I am asuming you're sitting if you're infront of a PC XD).

Uncharted 3, is the greatest game that I have played in my life time thus far. From the amazing story telling, audio/soundtrack/voice acting, the holy shit fuck making epic melee mechanics that I fucking love so badly YOU have NO idea, the insane cutscenes, the graphics that will NOT be beaten until the next generation launches (yes I seriously believe that), from fire, to water, to sand, from the plot and twists that I truly was shocked to see despite watching so much of the game before release, from the love-able characters all the way to the despise-able villains...

This game is my favourite game this generation and since this is my first generation where I truly feel like i took part in something; Uncharted 3 is the best game I have ever played. E V E R. I realize this is a bold statement, and ofcourse we all have different taste but this simply applies to me; and i wanted to share it. I can't wait for what the future holds. Naughty Dog are the most talented developers on the PS3 in my opinion and I see the Uncharted franchise becoming very very spoken about in the future; as the pinnacle of story telling with great interaction. It really makes Uncharted 2 and MGS4 feel like movies where you barely interact!

The game also had soundtracks with arabic "feel" to them, with arabian language and well.. I am persian, but it was so amazing to see the middle-eastern parts.

I simply had to share my opinions! Keep this a happy topic please, or don't keep this alive at all. Read if you wish.

Thank you Naughty Dog!

Thank you!

Gonna throw in UC2 and say I felt it was ..a tad overrated. Yes I went there!
All honesty though, UC3 is like.. "MY GAME" if you know what I mean. It really REALLY appeals to me for everything it is. The questioning of Drakes character and ..JUST PLAY THE GAME WILL YOU!

I love it.