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spurgeonryan said:
okr said:
Star Trek wins for me though I like both franchises.

I love the original Star Wars Trilogy. Well, who doesn''s pop culture for a reason.

I love Star Trek DS9, TNG and TOS. Plus a few of the movies (the first one from 1979, The Undiscovered Country, First Contact).

I hate Star Trek Nemesis with a passion. Way more than the 2nd Star Wars trilogy which was just redundant, soulless and easily neglectable. Nemesis on the other hand was such a terrribly written movie that it killed one of the greatest franchises and made a reboot necessary.

My most favorite character from both franchises combined is not Chewie, R2D2, Han, Vader, Spock, Picard, Worf or Data - it's Quark, the coolest Ferengi in the Alpha Quadrant and the best SciFi character ever created (not counting Bender). Quark is one of the reasons why DS9 became my most favorite SciFi series.

I DO NOT know how they could get it so wrong after First contact. Those nect two movies really did destroy it for TNG. @ Kaz Voyager was not your guilty pleasure?

Not particularly... the only character I really liked was the Holographic Doctor because he seemed like the only one with a real personal stuggle or philosophical problem, and ironically he was the artificial intellegence.

Not that Star Trek shows have been high on character development and conflict (outside DS9), however.... Voyager was a ship of two groups who were philosophically oposed the Federation and Makee (Sp?), stranded FAR away from all their loved ones, and added a NUMBER of alien crewmembers including one borg.

How there was never any conflict outside of like one episode of predjudice to 7 of 9 is RIDICULIOUS.  The entire first season or two should of been focused on how the Federation and Makee see things differently and how Janeway needed to win the Chakotee and the Makee's trust even though they had very different ways of doing things.