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Joelcool7 said:
Jazz2K said:
Lol... on thiese forums, no matter what MS does, it's alway bad. People shouldn't over praise exclusives like they're the only games worth playing. Most of the games I play are multi except for the Kinect ones, Halo and Forza, I don't see what the competition can do better if I'm going to play the same games.

On topic, it's a good thing to see MS gearing up for next gen by building a stronger first party dev team. I wish they stayed with Bizarre, I'm starting to miss the PGR series.

It is typically the exclusives that sell the hardware. You yourself mention Halo and Forza, they obviously played a role in you purchasing a 360. Live also makes every game on 360 unique as it offers an experiance not found on PS3, at least not the same.

As for the comment about Remedy, development of Alan Wake began in 2005 as far as we know, actually it is believed to have begun as early as 2004. They released the game five years later in 2010, that is with a team of forty, could a team of 60 produce an Alan Wake caliber title within a year or two? Hell no, not without a ton of existing resources and external help.

First off a lot of people don't even care about Halo. I bought a 360 long before I even started playing it. 

Secondly the first Alan Wake took so long because not only did they develop the game. But they also made their own engine from scratch. And they also scrapped a whole lot of progress when they took it from being open world to being linear. If they had a team of 60 and used the same engine they could easily crank out another Alan Wake in a year or two.