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The censorship stuff is bollocks conspiracy stuff as usual, the government isn't censoring the media over it. The media in the USA just gives people what they want though - and that doesn't involve complicated stuff in politics.

The text of the bill in question is here

The questionable stuff begins at about page 418. It does seem it might allow indefinite detention (certainly not assasination - don't know who made that claim) of US citizens suspected of terrorism, though I'm not good with this sort of things. It does come with the disclaimer -

(e) AUTHORITIES.—Nothing in this section shall be
20 construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to
21 the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident
22 aliens of the United States or any other persons who are
23 captured or arrested in the United States.

25 The Secretary of Defense shall regularly brief Congress re
1 garding the application of the authority described in this
2 section, including the organizations, entities, and individ3
uals considered to be ‘‘covered persons’’ for purposes of sub4
section (b)(2).