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The GOP primary season has been an embarrassment this cycle. 150 million self-descrbed "conservative" or "moderate/leaning conservative" adults in this country, and they have these candidates? Huntsman, Pawlenty, and maybe Paul were the only serious candidates that are actually truly conservatives AND intelligent AND with clean enough records public/private enough to get/do the job.

Paul is too libertarian in some ways to get the nomination.
Pawlenty got run out of town because he was too electable. (i.e. not right-wing enough for the primary voters).
Huntsman has never even been noticed by the masses enough to get rejected.

Bachmann is Three terms in Congress and has never had a sponsored or written bill passed. She's pointless. And not well-versed enough in the issues. She's not stupid, but she certainly hasn't studied up enough.

Perry is a joke.

Gingrich got run out of Congress, fined for ethics violations, had an affair )and lied about it) the whole time he was impeaching Clinton largely for lying about having an affair, has three marriages, sells his principles to the highest bidder, has ego the size of the White House/

Cain you guys have covered. But he lost me as soon as he started talking about how the president doesn't need to be smart or, like, KNOW things. Yah we tried that once. Didn't work so well. He reminded me of Bush in that he'd be the figurehead for the people behind him really calling the shots.

Romney. Who knows about Romney? The party that ran John Kerry out of town for "flip-flopping" on a very easily explainable change of course as circumstances changed are going to, just 8 years later, hire a guy who flipped on every key conservative issue on the agenda? I think not.

It's by far the weirdest election cycle I've ever seen. And I'm fairly old and minored in political science and majored in journalism. I love this stuff. And this whole thing makes me scratch my head. There's a lot of smart, thoughtful, serious conservative people in the world. But they aren't running for president this year.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?