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@Grandia and SOtteot HD :

Even tho i still remember SO very good, hell yeah, i'd get that one in an instant! And i'd support every petition that demands it. (Btw: i think SO:TLH is one of the very best Games this gen.^^")

regarding Grandia, if you talk G2 and G3, then yes, i'd like to see a collection. especially cuz' G3 was never released in Europe, so i've never played it. =( (Did it see the light of day in the US? i thought it is a Japan Only title until now.)


Also: I'd like to see a Persona 3/4 HD Collection!

@Lead Character; i'd also choose Squall. smart, good looking, and never giving a sh*t about anything.


PS3. whenever the option is given to choose, i'll always pick the bigger screen. =)


@FFXIII2: Just pre Ordered the Crystal Edition of FFXIII2. i always wanted to get a full Sountrack for an FF Game, so i think bundling it with the game itself is just brilliant, and very tempting. on Top, i LOVE Shirts with Videogame Stuff printed onto it. and what could be better than FF? (Wearing a Lost Planet 2 Shirt right now... got it with the game, payed 10 bucks in total. And yes, i bought it because of the shirt, the game is pretty much untouched lol.)


Which is your favourite FF Robo? (i 'think'  did read that it was FFX, and looking at your Avatar, it looks like it, but i am not 100% sure anymore... mine's FFVIII. It was the first FF i've ever played. Funfact: My Mom (!) played it together with me. to be honest; i think that she did was awesome. i mean, back then, i was the only 10year old i knew who had a mom that played videogames. xD)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!