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Finally finished Twilight Princess, found the last hearts but still need to find like 10 Poes. I really have no idea where they can be.... I'm tempted to look in a guide. Is there a way to know if you find all of them in an specific area? Something like in OoT with the Skulltulas icon appearing in the map? Any tip or help for looking them?

Anyway, some impressions. I liked the final battle(s) with Ganon, specially the last one. I always wanted a sword vs sword fight and this was it. Sadly, it was very easy. During all the four battles I never had the need to use a fairy or medicine, while in OoT even the first Ganon could be kicking my ass. I really don't like this, I mean I don't want him to be impossible to beat but at least something more challenging, the way it is just make it a forgettable battle imo.

I liked the game, but I thought it was a Good Zelda game, not Great. The beginning was very slow, the character design was weird, some musics were really bad, it wasn't challenging and I never could get in the story. I may sound like Malstrom but I really think developers here tried to be "so creative" that it was all messed up. OoT and WindWaker story may be simpler and even if you know what to expect it was really good. Here I felt they tried to surprise us with their creativity but instead I had a lot of "WTF is that" moments o_O

I remember reading someone said that for the first time in a Zelda game they cared for the other characters in the story.... for me it was the opposite. At the end in the credits, seeing all people returning home safely, I just couldn't care less, I didn't feel any connection like in other Zelda games.

It may sound like it was a bad game for me, but no, I really liked it and for a strange reason I want to play it again (maybe I'll like it more the second time). I just have this feeling that even if it was a good game, it's not a memorable experience like the other Zelda games.

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