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It isn't simply for our freedoms the military is fighting for the best interests of the United States of America. In the US's case in Canada's case it is for the best out come for the whole world and in every democratic super power in Nato's case for the best interests of democracy which is essentially our freedoms.

Look I have yet to meet a single soldier who did not join the army to defend our freedoms. Even after serving I have never met a sodlier who did not give a valid reason for the conflict he fought even if he disagreed with the reason.

I have never seen a politician order a war when it did not interest the American people to win. Because the US President relies on the votes of the US people and every conflict he enters needs to be justifiable. The problem being the Government often knows more then the average citizen, in fact based on what we know most of the conflicts we are in or have been in were done so for a variety of reasons other then those given.

Propoganda is used to try and justify conflicts. Fact is American's are self centered and only care about what effects them right now. They don't see very far into the future and they don't understand politics. Us here on VGChartz are a little brighter then the average American but lets face it if President Bush said the reason he wanted to invade Iraq was to destabalize the region bringing a stable democracy in over throwing a dictator and putting US forces in a position where they could act in the gulf. Do you honestly believe the American people would have supported the war? The US people didn't give a shit that Saddam had killed tens of thousands of his own citizens they didn't give a shit that his country was a dictatorship or that the US didn't have a good footing in the region.

Now regardless of Bush's reasons whether it was to establish a democracy and US presence in the region. To scare neighbouring countries and hopefully prevent future conflicts. Whether it was a personal vendetta to finish what his father began or even the less likely borderline insane notion it was over oil. Any of those or all of those benefit the American people.

The US only looks out for itself even the most corrupt politicians in the US aren't going to do something that needlessly jeoprodizes the US Government or the survival of the US people. I was going to go in and detail each conflict listed but honestly I think the above is good enough. The US wouldn't have any rights or freedoms if it wasn't for the military. Whether it was the Northern troops fighting the south in the civil war to the modern day Afghanistan or Iraq and even Libya. Every conflict in the US's history has benefitted the American people and in turn their freedoms.

Even if you say any conflicts were done out of corporate greed and oil. Well hate to break it to yah but the US relies on oil as does their military and the country that controls the oil is pretty protected. In turn protecting the freedoms American's enjoy.

Now if you tried to argue Canada wasn't defending democratic values I would have to laugh in your face. America is contriversial but no doubt the military does protect the best interests of the people in its country (If that country is one of the major western democracies).


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer