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@Risen 2:
I'll get that one for sure, looks promising enough. Risen 1 is a game i'd have to get for my PC (/Notebook) , since i've heard the 360 version is supposed to be quite awful in comparison. Somehow, the first one didnt peak my interrest enough, since there were so many other games i wanted to play, first... but i'll get it sometime.

(By the Way, did you play Two Worlds 2? If yes, what's your opinion about it? i think it was a good game, the Console Port's weren't great, but i enjoyed the experience overall. still having a Reviewcopy of it lying around somewhere.)

@Bugs: ... ugh, what a topic. traded my PS3 copy of Skyrim because of it, since i'd rather have a patched GOTY Edition than downgrading the experience for myself, since Skyrim is, in fact, quite awesome. (I normally pay attention, and while i can deal with much, Skyrim has taken it to far. i could write a list of everything i've found, but it would be quite a big one.)

bought Portal 2 today, and its awesome! i *think* i prefer the first one in the end, but that is only because i didnt expect anything from it the first time around, making it easier to impress.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!