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@crystalchild, thanks .
when my games are ready to be tested i will send each person a demo disk of the game which will be playable on your ps3, then u play and write down glitches and bugs and i will fix them. and will send out more disks, when those things have been fixed and more of the game is completed.
btw, if u check out my past posts from a few earlier pages u will found out the game name and other info if u wana know .
thanks again
also my 1st game comes on 3 blu-ray's, 2 disks are the single player game and the 3rd disk is for the mmorpg part of the game.

i'll browse the previous Page's after finishing this post. / 3.. Discs? an MMORPG part? .. dude, are you talking really big stuff here? like.. uh.. a 60 Bucks Retail copy, not a 15$ Indiegame? .. O_o i am impressed.


edit: browsed like the last 20 Pages now-

(this thread contains so much information i didnt read.. about so many games that were discussed back then.. shame on me! Especially Venetica was a game i played and actually liked, too! i also intended to get all the trophies, but i caused some nasty bug's to appear, which prevented me from actually obtaining some of the trophies. sadly, because like i said it was a solid game. )

- interresting stuff you've posted so far, i'll dig deeper when i have enough time ti spend, but its 5 in the morning over here, and i intend to get alteast 3 hours of sleep. i'll continue this post (or make a new one) later today.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!